Blog update 11/4/2020

Hey Readers,

As much as I hate to do this, I’m going to take a bit of a break, which means there will be no regular blog post today. 

I’m doing this for several reasons. First, as much as I try not to show it online, Atlassian’s announcement has been as stressful for me as it has no doubt been for you. I still stand by my opinion that it’s not as “doom and gloom” as some people believe, but time will bear that out. Either way, I’m feeling it too.

Second, it has been a crazy week. Remarkably, in the past week I’ve seen tropical storms, holidays, exams, achievements, and the election here in the U.S. At this point, I just need some extra time to process it all.

However, I was still prepared to write despite all that. The final straw came with my setup and experiments for my next article. Whenever I write a technical guide, I always set it up first to test and record the method. I’m fortunate that until now, this has always worked out. However, this week I got to the point where I realized I’d have to completely start over the setup, which would have left me no time to actually write my post. And I’m not going to release a half-baked filler just to keep things going.

So, here we are. I’ll be back next week with a recap and reaction to the Team Tour keynote address – which will be a similar format to the Summit Keynotes I did back in April. I also have a few surprises that I am working on for after the recap post. I can’t reveal too much yet, but I hope to have some solid answers for you soon. #ThingsAreInMotion.

I hope everyone is also taking the time to take care of themselves too. I’ll see you all next week. Until then, this is Rodney, asking, “Have you updated your Jira issues today?”

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